KetoDoc is a service that anyone can avail using ketorets.com as a medium. The service provides paid access to a doctor with experience about Ketogenic Lifestyle. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Shambhavi Chaurasia has decided to provide her services using KetoDoc.
Dr. Shambhavi Chaurasia

Hi, I am Dr. Shambhavi Chaurasia. I came across Ketorets in February 2020, and have been a client of Ketorets ever since. Initially, I perceived Ketosis as a fat loss program but the more I read about it, the more I understood the biochemistry behind it.
I have autoimmune hypothyroidism and ketosis helped me reduce side effects of it like memory fog, dysmenorrhea, slow metabolism, fatigue, secondary liver changes, hirsutism, hair fall and mood changes, to count a few.
Ketorets gave me a chance to look beyond the definition and delve into the molecular science of Ketosis, and our research has panned out from Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, PCOS to Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease.
I have spent the past few months researching about Ketosis and safe supplementation, safe drug interactions, it’s effects on reversal of stressors in the human body, and changes in pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases with ketosis.
Services on KetoDoc:
- Pre-Keto Health Analysis for Starting the Diet
- Keto Related Health Issues and Complications
- Supplementation Review for Keto
- Generic Medicines While on Keto
- General health and Autoimmune disease Consultation
- Book an Appointment
- Fill the Details in Form
- Choose Appointment Date and Time
- Make Payment
- Be Available for Appointment (Re-scheduling not possible)
- Consultation: Rs. 499 + Convenience Fee
Dr. Shambhavi Chaurasia is Not Available at the Moment!
If you wish, you can connect with Rahul.
Terms & Conditions for KetoDoc Service
- Ketorets Nutrition Pvt. Ltd. is only a Source and Medium for this service
- This service can only be availed by Indian Citizens even if they are living outside of India
- No refund, cancellation, or rescheduling available for this service
- If you wish to reschedule, you will need to make new booking
- Delay in coming onto the call for more than 15 minutes will lead to automatic cancellation of the appointment without refund
- Most recent blood reports would be required to be shared with doctor before the call or after the call as recommended/required
- Prescription will be provided only after reviewing recommended/required blood reports
- Patients/Clients cannot share their prescription on any online public platforms. They can definitely share it with their doctors