Ketorets Keto Community

Ketorets Keto Community is a platform for like minded people who want to start or have been on this metabolic state called ketosis. It is a space for those who strongly believe in the ketogenic art of eating food.

This forum defines an elaborate format of Ketogenic Diet and also helps self ketoers and other individuals to build a community. It provides them a platform to discuss their opinions, views, or ask questions to make their journey easier.

I personally believe that when you have keto buddies around you and are surrounded by people who are traveling with you then the journey becomes fun and way more fulfilling. And of course, having each other is a constant dose of motivation and energy to be better everyday.

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Keto and Personal C...
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Keto and Personal Changes

Kavisha Shah
New Member

To start with,
You are a warrior and a superstar because in world full of carbohydrates, you eat fats.

  1. If you are a person who gives up easily on let us say anything then let me tell you keto makes you a tenacious person. From my experience there were times where I just wanted to quit the diet but somehow, I just could not do that. It is a quality which naturally gets imbibed in you.
  2. We often find it difficult to control our taste buds or taste sense but after transitioning to keto it becomes so easy. Initially, you would feel like you took the wrong decision and sometimes you might unexpectedly cheat thinking 1 bite se kya hoga? but what we think is a small thing turns out to be the biggest mistake right? so then you just don’t unexpectedly cheat which results to controlling your taste buds. You would feel the change on your cheat day when you actually realize that I also get this particular taste in keto food and sometimes trust me keto food is tastier than the normal one
  3. Initially when you start keto because of all the enthusiasm you feel carbohydrates are poison but with each passing day you feel that it’s not poison it’s just not for you and you sometimes actually feel really bad for people who keeps eating it recklessly and this only escalates our love for keto.
  4. We always have been told to stand out different from the world and we have already gone to the extra mile which is not at all crowded. You will find very less people who thinks like you do and then when you find a keto buddy you will be on the top of the world because you feel like okay there is someone who resonates with me.
  5. Warren Buffet has quoted “Investment is simple, but not easy” and so is keto. Keto is easy just stick to your ratios, have enough water and eat super delicious meals but why it is difficult at the same time is because it challenges our basic human nature to enjoy and satisfy our needs and taste buds as early as possible-instead of later.
Topic starter Posted : 30/08/2020 2:43 pm
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