Keto Basil Pesto Cheese Roll

Keto Basil Pesto Cheese Roll

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Keto Basil Pesto Cheese Roll
Cheese Roll
  1. Place grated cheese in the centre of a greased pan and let it bake for 6 minutes at 200 degree celsius.
  2. Once done keep it aside on the foil.
Basil Walnut Pesto Sauce
  1. Put all the ingredients in the mixer. Pulse at a slow speed to avoid the pesto turning bitter into taste.
  2. Stir fried veggies
Stir fried veggies
  1. Blanch all veggies and prepare basil pesto sauce. Add butter to a pan, basil pesto sauce and sauté all veggies with paneer.
  2. Sauté for 3 minutes.
Recipe Notes


Add basil pesto vegetables on cheese roll and wrap it

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