Rahul Kamra

KetoKamra – The Journey Continued!

The journey continued now like a table of 9, or so I thought.

I expected my weight to drop at same rate every month…oh trust me, if that happened, I would have reached a negative weight in a span of 1 year.

Here came the next month, December 2017. I had no plans for New Year because I did not want to mess with my diet. I was close to 10 kgs down by now and my school-time best friend Jivitesh took me to a random party in Navi Mumbai, where I did not know anyone.

Ketorets by Rahul Kamra
Jivitesh and Me at New Year 2018

They all offered me food and alcohol and I denied. A Diet Coke was my go-to drink then. After that party, I realized that meeting people for the first time is so relieving. It is like a clean slate; you do not have do that drama of telling them how you lost all that fat and what all did you do to reach where you are!

It is just like – Hi I am Rahul, Happy New Year.


That is it.

No nonsense and melodrama of what did you do? How did it go? And everything in between.

Anyway, January 2018 was exciting for me as I could see more changes with my face – after a long time I had a jawline, dropped another 7kgs on weighing scale, and major inch loss.

I was super happy to see this and went for a clean shaved look after a long time.

Rahul Kamra

I realised that that the beard made me look older. Ok, in my sister’s words, it was not just beard, it was puberty hair right on my face 🙄

Moving on, shaving revealed a jaw line about which I could not stop feeling about. I started to meet more people, I started to enjoy going out as my fat loss journey became talk of the party and Kamra became a celebrity.

This was more exciting, when on 26th January 2018, I met my off-roading friends for a drive. They could not recognise me, and they were super happy to see a version of me that looked my real age. Along with clicking pictures of our Thars, they were clicking me too 🤣

Ketorets by Rahul Kamra
Me and My First Love – My Thar

I got even more excited about my upcoming birthday. I got all prepped up as I expected a lot more people to appreciate this New Me.

Getting this appreciation after years was soooooo worth it!

Ok, Now I will go setup my house for the party, you go read my other blog and my answers to general keto FAQs – they are my answers in most simple way just for you.

I will tell you all about me turning 24 with keto and keto cakes in my next blog.

Till then, watch this trailer to the film and stay tuned!!

Turning 24!

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